Homeschool Vision & Mission Statement
There are different ways of looking at vision, mission, objectives and goals. The way [we] see it, vision and mission are mostly interchangeable. When it boils down to it, Jesus is our vision with the mission of homeschooling for the glory of God, while aligning our efforts in that direction.
What does it mean to have a vision for your homeschool? How can you define your mission?
Here are some questions to ponder:
What do I want the end result of our homeschooling journey to be?
What inspired our decision to homeschool?
What is the purpose or value of homeschooling?
What do I want my children to say about their homeschooling experience when they have graduated?
What constitutes true homeschooling success when it’s all said and done?
How do our family values and culture influence our homeschool vision?
Once you’ve really nailed down your homeschool vision, it’s the anchor that keeps you going on the hard days and persevering when you are just plain tired. It is your compass, helping you to navigate the homeschool waters, set good goals, and make balanced decisions.
Here is an example of a homeschool mission & vision:
Jesus is our vision. We purpose to educate our children in a way that brings glory to God.
Raising them up to know and love the Lord
Teaching them how to love their neighbors as themselves
Equipping them for the work God will call them to do for His kingdom
Providing the social, moral, and educational environment that will help them thrive most
We believe homeschooling is the best choice to accomplish this vision.
Proper socialization
Parents as primary influencers and educators
A reverence and love for God and His Word
Godly character training
A solid work ethic and family values
Strong relationships with siblings
Flexible education that is tailored to needs and interests
Serving others together in the name of Christ
Excerpted from: