Roles & Responsibilities

Imagodei Academy partners with parents in their child’s educational journey. It is expected that parents maintain active involvement at home to support their child’s academic, spiritual, and social development. 

Parents must remain informed of their student’s progress through the curriculum, monitor study habits, and educate themselves on online learning. Importantly, parents should bring up any questions, complaints, or concerns as they arise to resolve them quickly. They should also remain up to date with tuition payments to avoid account deactivation, withdrawal, and academic records retention. Late payment and reactivation/reinstatement fees may apply.


THe role as the student…

“Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life - guard it well.”

~Proverbs 4:13 GNT

  • Be responsible in completing assignments on time

  • Contact your academic advisor for assistance

  • Display honor and integrity when completing all lessons, quizzes, tests, and projects

  • Produce and submit work with excellence

  • Check and respond to messages


The role as the parent…

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

~ Proverbs 22:6 ESV

  • Provide an environment conducive to learning and minimize distractions

  • Be actively involved by facilitating and assisting your student with instruction

  • Answer any immediate academic questions

  • Communicate with your student’s academic advisor concerning academic questions and support

  • Ensure your student is keeping track of assignments

  • Proctor quizzes and tests

  • Check and respond to emails